Saturday, September 29, 2007

Day 9

Here at Calvin they made us all forget our passwords.
So I was not going to post anything noteworthy and perhaps only make an announcement.
But I created a new word.

Therefore, I feel I may be making a movie for the next few days. The originality of thought I believe will be coming from structuring something around (not mine) music. I guess it will be a slide-show, but my hopes are wrestling with that title to make creative something more. Here may be some of what follows.

It may be a little before I get caught up with the days, but it is more so the process of posting than anything else hanging me, and possibly us, up. Again, what comes next does not arise from my thought, but has flooded my thoughts, and I hope that that is enough for that that we consider:
The only news I know
Is bulletins all day
From Immortality.

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