In the last few days Several friends and I have done some studio-style photo shoots, For the first we hung a blanket up in my room and set up around eight desk lights. We did'nt have any proper hot-lights, so that's what we did. The pictures, I thought were lovely, of Morgan especially, There were a lot of greats though. The problem with this kind of setup is that you develop a very strong sense of context for each picture, the setup becoming more evident with each shot. Does that really detract? I take countless pictures of Jessi & Morgan, does that make each one less impressive? Used to take a lot of pictures of my sister Grace. What do I really care anyway? They were fun to take, and always learning.
My Favorite

A night shot, someone once told me that digital noise was in no way an equivalent to film grain. I disagee, I quite like it. The rest were just taken over the past few days
I really like that picture of me with the photoshoped tree. Well done, babe.
awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome set!!!!! i totally love it <3
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