Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day 23

I have finished one that I've been working on for a while. I need to watch it one more time through. And it has not taken so long because it is spectacular or of the sort, but that my time has been precious and moving as of late. Hopefully later in the day and not on the morrow it will be up. Thank you patience.
An evening trip to the City

to see the bright city
bright people
Seedy drugged up losers

something foolish, something free

not much fun, not much to see.
give me a high five, climb a tree

hardly conclusive, you need
to be bored enought to take
action. Boredom throws
us from the nest. Boredom
tears away the sweater

throw down. People, Things &

I'm compelled to sleep, to lie
Strip off my clothes, cry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful words hanging by a feeling