My internet connection is being really ballsy again, I've been trying to put these up for some solid time. boyso. That first one is a self portrait, pretty impulsive too

They knocked down the old art building to make another building that will probably have a stairwell like this one

Morgan looks so good, she always does, what a beaut!
There have been some things I've wanted to write about over the last couple days, though i never wrote them as i couldnt get the pictures up. The main one was that I keep trying to make commitments on emotions that are fleeting. I'm trying my best to be a good student, but it might not be conducive to creativity. I have such a hard time balancing my activities. I have some good craft plans though.
Today i made a ten second film of a mans face, it was 4 frames in focus 4 out, 4 in, 4 out etc. Running at 18 fps it should look interesting. I'll probably never get it into a digital format so i thought i'd just write about.
I'm just now realizing things I never thought I would. I hope things get better, for everyone, for both of us, for all of us.